We offer a range of training courses aimed at equipping businesses and their employees with the skills and knowledge needed to keep the workplace safe. With courses delivered at a venue of your choice, health and safety has never been easier or more accessible!



First Aid Training:

Did you know that an estimated 621,000 workers sustain an injury at work each year? Or that an estimated 25,900,000 working days are lost due to work-related illness each year, with a further 4,500,000 working days lost because of workplace injuries? With statistics like these, first aid training is more important than ever – not only for the health of employees, but for the health of businesses too! By training with us you will be protecting your workforce and helping to bring those numbers down.

The Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 require all employers to make arrangements to ensure their employees receive immediate attention if they are injured or taken ill at work. This includes carrying out a risk assessment, appointing a suitable amount of first aiders, and providing appropriate first aid training.

Our courses First Aid at Work – Level 3, and Emergency First Aid at Work – Level 3 teach learners the skills and knowledge needed to deal with a range of first aid situations, including: assessing an incident, managing an unresponsive casualty, CPR, choking, heart attacks, head and spinal injuries, fractures, anaphylaxis, shock, wounds and bleeding, and minor injuries.

We also offer Emergency Paediatric First Aid – Level 3, a course designed to equip learners

with the basic skills and knowledge needed to deal with a range of emergency paediatric first aid situations which could arise when looking after children, including: managing an unresponsive child or infant, CPR, choking, seizures, external bleeding, and more.



Mental Health in The Workplace:

Work-related mental health issues like anxiety, stress, and depression are more common than ever before. The NHS reported that in the first quarter of 2022 alone, mental health issues were the most consistently reported cause of sickness absence in the UK, meaning they were responsible for the loss of more than 504,000 working days. Reports by the Mental Health Foundation and the London School of Economics and Political Science estimate that poor mental health among workers costs the UK economy more than £117.9 billion annually. Clearly it is vital for the wellbeing of any business and its employees that relevant training is given.

Our course Understanding Mental Health in The Workplace – Level 2 is designed to educate learners about common mental health issues such as depression, stress, anxiety, eating disorders, self-harm, and suicide. The course will teach learners how to listen effectively to others and provide advice on where to signpost struggling employees for professional support during difficult times. Learners will gain an understanding of mental health and its importance, the roles and legislation associated with mental health in the workplace, know a range of common mental health conditions, and the application of Mental Health First Aid at Work Action Plan.



Fire Safety:

Every year in the UK there are around 22,000 workplace fires – on average that’s 423 every week. In the workplace, fires are one of the most destructive accidents that can occur, with the potential to result in both injuries and fatalities as well as costly property damage. With this in mind, it’s imperative that employees are equipped with appropriate training. After all, most fires are preventable!

The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 states that every business must conduct a fire risk assessment and provide suitable fire-fighting equipment, fire safety signage, fire alarms, and safety training for everyone in the business.

Our courses Fire Safety Awareness – Level 1, and Award in Fire Safety – QA Level 2 teach learners basic fire safety principles, including: causes of fires in the workplace, basic fire safety duties and responsibilities, principles of fire risk control, safe use of portable fire-fighting equipment, how fires are caused, the risks associated with fire, principles of fire safety management at work, understanding the role of a fire warden, and more.



Manual Handling:

Did you know that over a third of all workplace injuries in the UK occur as a result of manual handling? Throughout 2019 and 2020, 152,000 workers suffered from a new case of work-related musculoskeletal disorder. It has been estimated that 8.9 million working days have been lost in 2019/2020 alone because of work-related musculoskeletal disorders – on average that’s about 18.4 days per case! It’s evident that the risks of manual handling in the workplace are worryingly overlooked. Injuries obtained as a result can range in severity, with the most common including musculoskeletal disorders, hernias, back injuries, strains and sprains, foot injuries, hand injuries, slips, trips, and fall injuries.

The Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 state that employers must try to reduce the risk of injury and illness where reasonably practicable, as well as make suitable and sufficient assessments of manual handling activities. Employees are not exempt from responsibility either – employees are required to follow the systems of work put in place by their employer.

Our course Principles of Manual Handling – Level 2 is designed to help learners develop a greater awareness of manual handling, including: common manual handling injuries, the safe movement principles, theory of safe manual handling principles, and manual handling equipment.


Health and safety is vitally important, not only for the wellbeing of employees, but for the continued success of businesses too. Why not invest in your workers and business by providing your employees with the invaluable knowledge and skills needed to keep your workplace safe? To book in on one of our training courses please get in touch!