Following a Fire Risk Assessment, moving to a new premises or a change in building circumstances could result in your business needing more fire extinguishers. We are able to offer new and reconditioned fire extinguishers at brilliant prices.
We can visit your premises and offer guidance and solutions to your extinguisher requirements. Our extinguishers are supplied fully commissioned and ready to use. All extinguishers are supplied with wall brackets and signage can also be provided.
Your fire extinguisher should be serviced by a competent engineer annually. Our charges are very competitive and we keep them simple so you can see exactly what you are paying for. We have fixed fees per extinguisher with no hidden extras.
We will visit your site at a time to suit and carry out extinguisher servicing on all your appliances, if we find that repairs are required, discharge tests are due or extra work is required we will always consult you first and offer you the best most cost effective solution to ensure your compliance with fire safety legislation.
What types of Fire Extinguisher are there?
Colour Band- RED
Suitable for Class A Fires only; Solid Fuels, Wood, Paper, Textiles.
Cheapest of the extinguishers but limited to being able to tackle on one type of fire. Commonly found in 3, 6 and 9 litre sizes. Newer Water Extinguishers can have an additive in them which increases their ability to put out a larger fire than pure water, this will be indicated on the extinguisher itself. Not to be used on fires involving electricity.
Discharge Period: 5 Years
Colour Band- CREAM
Suitable for Class A and Class B; Liquid Fuels
More expensive than water but generally offers greater extinguishing qualities. As well as being able to deal with solid fuels Foam can also be used on liquid fuel fires such as oil and diesel. Commonly found in 3, 6 and 9 litre sizes. Although safer than water on electrical fires it should still not be used on fires involving electricity.
Discharge Period: 5 Years
Dry Powder
Colour Band- BLUE
Suitable for Class A, B and C; Gas Fuels
A multi-purpose extinguisher and can be the most costly. It is best used when tackling running liquid fuel fires but can be used on solid and gas fuel fires however gas fuel fires can only be safely tackled if the gas supply can be isolated. They can be used on electrical fires but the downsides are they create an incredible mess and the powder can reduce visibility in the area. Also Dry Powder extinguishers can be more unreliable due to ‘powder caking’ and they can leak pressure if knocked or banged due to powder getting inside mechanisms. Commonly found in 1, 2, 3, 6 and 9kg sizes.
Discharge Period: 5 Years
Carbon Dioxide
Colour Band- BLACK
Suitable for Class B and fires involving electrical apparatus
This extinguisher can extinguishers fires involving electrical appliances and liquid fuels but offers no cooling properties so fires may reignite. These extinguishers are incredibly noisy and are powerful due to the compressed gas changing from a liquid to the gas that comes out the horn, this process also causes areas of the extinguishers to become frozen and can lead to the user experience cold burns. Some extinguishers are fitted with safety horns but users should check this prior to attempting to hold the horn. Commonly found in 2 and 5kg sizes.
Discharge Period: 10 Years
Wet Chemical
Colour Band- YELLOW
Suitable for Class A and F; Cooking Oil Fuel
These extinguishers are normally only required for catering establishments or food processing businesses where cooking oil is used on a bigger scale. These extinguishers are specially designed to put out fires that begin in fryers. They have a specially designed wand that controls the flow of the liquid to build up and seal the ignited oil extinguishing the fire and preventing re-ignition. These extinguishers are expensive but offer a considerable saving when compared with fixed systems that could be required in catering establishments. Commonly found in 3 and 6 litre sizes.
Discharge Period: 5 Years
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