Whilst significant progress has been made, construction is still one of the most dangerous industries for health and safety. We support a range of construction companies from Principal Contractors carrying out up to £10 million projects to ‘one man band’ sub-contractors.
The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 (CDM) created specific roles under which there are legal requirements that must be complied with on all construction projects. Regardless of your role, Client, Principal Contractor, Principal Designer or Contractor we can assist you in complying with the regulations and ensure your site runs as safely as possible.
Construction Health and Safety Services
CDM advice for all duty holders
Client, Principal Designer and Principal Contractors all have safety responsibilities under the CDM 2015 Regulations. We can assist all duty holders in meeting these responsibilities and can advise what should be expected from the other duty holders involved.
Construction Phase Plans
For any size site or type of construction work from domestic installations such as solar panels up to large scale sites there should be some form of Construction Phase Plan that details how the risks on site will be managed throughout the duration of the project. We can produce the Construction Phase Plan for the Principal Contractor or review a plan that has been submitted to a Client or Principal Designer and advise of any potential issues.
Site setup and documentation support
Site setup is a crucial part of ensuring your site is safe and runs smoothly. We can advise on site setup, create traffic management plans, site waste management plans, fire safety strategies and welfare plans.
Risk Assessments and Method Statements
If you are a Principal Contractor there will be some site risks that you are responsible for and these should be risk assessed, Contractors will have to submit their risk assessments and method statements to Principal Contractors prior to work commencing. We can provide all your site required risk assessments and method statements ensuring they are relevant to the task and the conditions of the site at all times.
Considerate Contractors Assistance
If your site needs to register with the Considerate Contractors Scheme and must meet its criteria then we can support you through this. More than just a site safety inspection contractors are encouraged to go over and above and become involved in the community around the site.
Sub-Contractor Management
As a Principal Contractor you are required to appoint competent contractors to work on your site, it is your responsibility to ensure their ability to carry out their work in a safe manner. To support your site and project team we can review and advise on documents that have been submitted to you and support your sub-contractors whilst on your site.
SSIP Schemes including CHAS, Constructionline & Achilles
In the construction industry there are many health and safety accreditation schemes that you can apply to, these enable you to tender for work or get on approved contractor lists. Also these schemes are a great way of showing your credibility to new and existing clients and that your commitment to safety is ongoing. Help with the application and guidance throughout the process as well as documentation that you have to submit can all be provided by us. Unlike other companies we provided bespoke documents that you can use in real situations rather than generic documents downloaded from the internet.
Site Inspections
We carry out site inspections nationwide on a wide variety of projects. Our site inspections can be for a Principal Contractor or a Contractor working on a larger site. We will inspect your site at a time to suit or call in ad-hoc to ensure your site is running safely without a pre announced inspection being agreed.